This Digital Humanities project provides Open Access texts of all four Latin translations of John Chrysostom's 88 homilies on the Gospel of John (CPG 4425), representing Greco-Latin translation and patristic scholarship in Western Europe through three distinct eras: the High Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment.
1) Burgundio of Pisa's Explanatio in sanctum Iohannem (1173). This earliest Latin translation of Chrysostom's Joannine homilies has never been printed, though a critical edition of Burgundio's preface to it was published by Peter Classen in 1974 (Burgundio von Pisa: Richter, Gesandter, Übersetzer, pp.79-102).
2) Francesco Griffolini's Homiliae super Iohannis euangelio (1462).
3) Griffolini’s translation after it was heavily emended and amended by Philippe Montanus for the 1536 Paris edition, a distinct version we call the Griffolini-Montanus translation.
4) Bernard de Montfaucon's Commentarius in sanctum Joannem (1728), from tome 8 of his Sancti patris nostri Joannis Chrysostomi...opera omnia... (Paris, 1718-38), collated against J.P. Migne's edition in Patrologia Graeca, tome 59 (Paris, 1862).
The original Greek text from Montfaucon’s 1728 edition is also provided for ease of comparative analysis.
1) Burgundio of Pisa's Explanatio in sanctum Iohannem (1173). This earliest Latin translation of Chrysostom's Joannine homilies has never been printed, though a critical edition of Burgundio's preface to it was published by Peter Classen in 1974 (Burgundio von Pisa: Richter, Gesandter, Übersetzer, pp.79-102).
2) Francesco Griffolini's Homiliae super Iohannis euangelio (1462).
3) Griffolini’s translation after it was heavily emended and amended by Philippe Montanus for the 1536 Paris edition, a distinct version we call the Griffolini-Montanus translation.
4) Bernard de Montfaucon's Commentarius in sanctum Joannem (1728), from tome 8 of his Sancti patris nostri Joannis Chrysostomi...opera omnia... (Paris, 1718-38), collated against J.P. Migne's edition in Patrologia Graeca, tome 59 (Paris, 1862).
The original Greek text from Montfaucon’s 1728 edition is also provided for ease of comparative analysis.